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Putteridge Primary School

Putteridge Primary School

Reminder about school drop off and pick up times

See the News & Events section for a quick overview of timings - please ensure that your child is dropped off and collected at the correct times.

Start of the day – children to be dropped at the gates, no parents to come on to the school site
FS/KS1                                                                                                                KS2
8.40am-8.45am Year 2                                                                                   8.30am-8.35am Year 6
8.50am-8.55am Year 1                                                                                   8.40am-8.45am Year 5
9.00am-9.05am Foundation Stage                                                              8.50am-8.55am Year 4
                                                                                                                           9.00am-9.05am Year 3

Pick up
3.00pm Year 6
3.10pm Year 5
3.20pm Year 4
3.30pm Year 3
Year 6 will be the first year group to be dismissed. These children are able to walk home alone but if being collected, we would ask that parents wait outside the KS2 entrance gates at an appropriate distance from each other. All three Year 6 classes will exit from the front of the building. At 3.05pm, any Year 5 parents that are collecting will be able to enter the school grounds via the KS2 pathway. The children in this year group will be released from their classroom doors at 3.10pm and we would ask that parents leave the site once they have collected their child unless they have another child in a different year group to pick up. Please ensure that you stick to the left-hand side of the paths for entry and exit at all times. At 3.15pm, Year 4 parents may enter the site to collect their child/children and at 3.25pm, Year 3 parents can enter the site.

3.10pm Year 2
3.20pm Year 1
3.30pm Foundation Stage
Year 2 parents can enter the KS1 playground at 3.05pm. Parents must wait outside the classroom door ensuring they are appropriately distanced at all time. Once the children have been released from the classroom, parents will need to leave the site via the left-hand side of the one-way system unless they are collecting a child from a different year group. At 3.15pm, Year 1 parents may enter the site to collect their child/children and at 3.25pm, Foundation Stage parents can enter the site.