Reporting Sickness Absence
If your child is unable to attend school due to illness or a medical appointment, please send an email to: Reporting you child's absence in this way means you do not have to follow up with a written letter of explaination to the class teacher.
Please be aware that e have recently received updated guidance from Luton Borough Council’s School Nurses Team and Public Health England which recommends the period for children to be kept away from school after a bout of diarrhoea or vomiting is now 48 hours from the last episode. We respectfully ask that everyone adheres to this guidance to reduce the chances of spreading any contagiousinfections throughout the school.
You can also report an absence by ringing the office on 01582 728262 before 9.00 am but you would need to follow up the telephone call with a written explaination to your child's class teacher.