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Putteridge Primary School

Putteridge Primary School

Parental Advice and Support

Parentline and ChatHealth

Are you aware of these two text messaging services for parents and young people?

Parentline: for parents and carers of those aged 0-19 TEXT 07507 331886

Parentline offers advice and support on a range of issues such as weaning, sleep and emotional health. You can also find out how to access other local services.

For more information please visit: or watch our animation:

ChatHealth: for young people aged 11-19 TEXT 07502 616070

ChatHealth is a similar service for young people to confidentially ask for help about a range of issues, or make an appointment with a school nurse. Young people can also find out how to access other local services including emotional support or sexual health services.

For more information please visit: chathealth or watch our short animation:  

Parentline and ChatHealth are available Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm. Parents, carers and young people can send a text anonymously to a dedicated number from any type of mobile phone.

National Domestic Abuse Helpline
Refuge runs the National Domestic Abuse Helpline, which can be called free of charge and in confidence, 24 hours a day on 0808 2000 247. Its website provides guidance and support for potential victims, as well as those who are worried about friends and loved ones. It also has a form through which a safe time from the team for a call can be booked.

CHUMS - Phone: 01525 863924 / email:
CHUMS offers bereavement support to children, young people and their parent or carers following the death of someone close to them whoever that may be and however they may have died.  They offer a variety of interventions which help to build resilience and give children and young people hope for the future.  These interventions include:
- Home visits for children & families
- Individual Support
- Bereavement groups for children and teenagers
- Residential weekends
- Family days
- Remembrance service

For parents and carers there is also the offer of:
- Telephone support, advice & information 
- Parent/carer bereavement groups
- Ongoing monthly support
- Parents retreat

For more information please visit:

The Bedfordshire and Luton Children’s Community Health HUB is a one-stop service for the Health Visiting, School Nursing 0-19 and Looked after Children Teams for parents, carers and professionals.  The Luton Community Paediatric Service can also be contacted via this number, but for emails please continue to use their own dedicated email address.

To access the Health HUB call: 0300 555 0606 or email: 

Trained Hub administrators will be at the end of the phone to help and advise, and to signpost to you to the correct services.

Cambridge Community Services NHS Trust

Have you seen our Diagnosis Support Pack? 

Our Diagnosis Support Pack (DSP) has been co-produced by families for families following a diagnosis of a neurodiversity, and contains information, resources and signposting in a variety of media (videos, infographics, animations), split into 14 sections - from sleep to medication, and lots more.

Families have described the experience of their child receiving a neurodiversity diagnosis (e.g. Autism or ADHD) with mixed emotions and following the lengthy diagnosis process are left with little information, or understanding of ‘what next?’  They told us that a 'one-stop shop' for information, resources and signposting following a diagnosis would be useful, and they would like this information to be accessible and from a trusted source. 

The pack has been co-produced with the help of parents, young people, local Parent Carer Forums, CAMHS, Education Psychology and other key partners.

All pages have been made easy to follow, with links that that guide you through the pack.  As well as making the pack informative and useful, it was really important to us that the pack uplifts people and celebrates neurodiversity. We know many families find receiving a diagnosis a challenging time but empowering messages and having positive role models are so important to help parents/carers and young people on their journey.

The weblink to the Diagnosis Support Pack is:

Dental Hygiene

It's really important to take good care of your child's teeth.  The community oral health team have shared the attached documents (see below) to support parents with helping their children make healthy snack choices as well as establishing good tooth-brushing practices and routines.

Luton and Beds Community Eye Service

The Children’s Community Eye Service is provided by ophthalmologists, optometrists, and orthoptists who specialise in the diagnosis and treatment of eye conditions by medical and surgical means.

Orthoptists use non-surgical methods to diagnose and treat abnormalities of vision and co-ordination of eye movements in people of all ages.

Our school vision screening has now resumed in reception classes in Bedfordshire and Luton.  If you have any concerns over the sight of one of your pupils, get in touch with us today to talk about a referral.  We can be contacted via:

Tel: 01234 897445 or email:

Tel: 01582 708155 or email:

Further information about the eye service can also be found here:

Luton and Beds Audiology Service

The community paediatric audiology service provides hearing assessments and advice to children, families, schools, therapists and other professionals, for identifying temporary and permanent hearing impairment in children between the ages of 0-16 (or 19 if in special needs education) within Luton and Bedfordshire. 

If you have any concerns over the hearing of one of your pupils, please make a referral.  School referrals are accepted from a health professional.  More information about making a referral can be found here:

Referral Information for Professionals (BEDS)
Referral Information for Professionals (LUTON)

or by visiting our web page:  or call us on: 01582 708154